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              1、 杯數: 6套
              2、 透皮擴散面積: 2.8cm 2
              3、 接收池體積: 6.5ml
              4、 控溫范圍: 30~45℃
              5、 控溫精度: <±0.05℃
              6、 攪拌調速范圍: 100—1000 r.p.m
              7、 穩速誤差: <±0.2%

              RYJ-6B drug percutaneous permeability diffusion tester, It was our company together with pharmaceutical preparations National Engineering Research Center to joint research and development one of new production. The main machine is used by LCD with Chinese&English to display menu, it is simple and convenient to operate, and have the functions of print, USB storage. The tester can be used vertical type Franz diffusion cells, in the solid dry constant temperature container, under the working state of magnetic stirring evenly, through the slow infiltration of animal skin, it is objectively reappearanced the pharmacology process of the preparation ‘s infiltrate rate of speed and degree in the setting solvent. The hereinbefore checking way is the current testing method in domestic. The tester used six sandwich layer into conduction of heat liquid, the outer layer exhaust the air to ensure the box keep a certain degree of vacuum, so that the tester’s indicator will be more stable and reliable. The tester is the best testing percutaneous permeability diffusion machine in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry based on its Magnetic stirring with small niose and uniform speed , high precision temperature control and generous beautiful shape.

              The main technical parameters:
              The number of cup 6 pieces
              The acreage of percutaneous permeability diffusion 2.8cm2
              The volume of receiving pool 6.5ml
              The range of temperature control 30-45 ℃
              The accuracy of temperature control <±0.05℃
              The scope of stirring speed adjustable 100-1000 rpm
              The tolerance of stable speed <±0.2%

              銷售電話:021-51087198 021-51087298 13816958545 傳真:021-51087398 郵箱:


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